About us

About us

Our Mission

Creating a Bond Between Investors and Companies

mission 1

Create exciting investment opportunities for investors 

Mr. Warren Buffett said, “All there is to investing is picking good stocks at good times and staying with them as long as they remain good companies.”
It is rare to encounter companies that you would like to support with your heart. That makes it even more exciting and unforgettable when you finally find them.
Minsetsu creates “opportunities for investors to meet companies that they will fully support,” aiming at such yield ability that goes beyond their expectation in the mid to long term.

mission 2

Create opportunities for companies to be invested

The creation of sustainable corporate value is actualized by the co-creation of companies and the investors. The co-creation requires high quality dialogue and engagement with an understanding of reciprocity relationships with each other.
By providing a platform to engage in dialogue and share corporations’ mid to long term strategies with investors, Minsetsu provides opportunities, not just for selling and buying, but “opportunities for companies to get fundamentally invested.”



Yuki Nakayasu / Representative Director, CEO

Completed a master’s degree in Graduate School of Engineering, Kyoto University, and worked as an analyst in the equity research departments of UBS Securities and Credit Suisse Securities, researching sectors such as the Internet, small- and mid-cap, IT services, and games. He provides industry analysis and financial analysis of individual companies as well as equity investment decisions to domestic and international institutional investors.

In 2015, he was ranked fifh in Institutional Investor magazine’s analyst rankings (Internet category). In June 2015, he founded Minsetsu, Inc. to contribute to the capital market by building relationships between investors and companies in a broad range of areas beyond the traditional framework of securities analysts.

Tomoharu Nakao / Outside Director

Director and Managing Executive Officer of Heiwa Real Estate Co., Ltd. Director of HEIWA REAL ESTATE Asset Management CO., LTD. Joined Tokyo Stock Exchange in 1987. Worked in the Stock Department, Settlement Management Department, Listing Examination Department, Listing Department, and Corporate Planning Department before retiring. Served as director and auditor of several listed companies before assuming his current position. Graduated from Faculty of Economics, Kyushu University. Born in Fukuoka Prefecture.

Takeshi Hirano / Outside Director

JPX Market Innovation & Research, Inc.
Joined Tokyo Stock Exchange in 1989. He has been serving as Senior Executive Officer responsible for JPX Market Innovation & Research since April 2024. Prior to taking the current role, he led, as a member of the management team of the Japan Exchange Group, various roles including design of the entire JPX group’s strategy, governor at the self-regulatory organization, and managements of the OTC derivatives clearing service at Japan Securities Clearing Corporation. He has an MBA from Haas School of Business, UC Berkeley.

Haruka Nakamura / Director, COO

Graduated from Seijo University. After working for a consulting firm and a law firm, she joined Minsetsu, Inc. in April 2018 as a founding member of the second phase of the company. She is in charge of the company’s overall operations, including service design, account management, public relations, and general affairs. She continues to actively take on new challenges and contribute to the growth of Minsetsu.

A Message from our CEO

Yuki Nakayasu
President and CEO of Minsetsu

As a securities analyst, I examined and analyzed many IT and small to medium sized businesses for 10 years

It was my 9th year that brought me the foundation of Minsetsu – when, for the first time, I did an analyst coverage on Infomart Corporation.

Infomart Corporation is a company that provides a purchase order/receipt and invoice platform to corporations, and the market capitalization back then was 30 billion Japanese yen. I was intrigued by the company’s business model, and the more I researched, the more I realized how socially significant the company was and how high the barriers to entry were.

This company will get bigger!

Back then, not many investors knew of the company’s existence, nor did many analysts at securities firms cover the company. Nevertheless, I started an analyst coverage on the company along with issuing an industry analysis report. I provided opportunities for Japanese/global investors to get to know the company, such as holding a seminar with the company’s CEO, Mr. Murakami, as a guest speaker and planning an IR meeting with overseas investors.

The company’s market capitalization bumped up to 70 billion yen, and I had a feeling that I could take the initiative on increasing the company’s presence, not only in the business field but also in the capital market

The investors then gave me feedback such as, “Thank you for making us aware of such a  good company” from the CEO and “Thank you for the opportunity to meet new investors” from the Managing Director.

It truly was the most rewarding event in my analyst career.

I founded Minsetsu Inc. in 2015 with the hope of creating more such events in the world, – where investors can learn about good companies, resulting in stronger bonds and increased satisfaction between the two parties.

After a year of planning and structuring the service, in April 2016, I released Minsetsu (“Minna no Setsumeikai” – Everyone’s Financial Results Briefings), an informative website on financial results briefings for investors and analysts. This website collects and provides result briefing schedule information that previously was unconsolidated (the number of companies listed: more than 2,300). Investors and analysts have said “Now we participate in more briefings than before”, and the companies have commented, “We see more participants in our briefings”.

Minsetsu, Inc. will keep growing as a company that “builds bonds between companies and investors,” providing a service to delight both companies and investors.

Company Profile

Company nameMinsetsu, Inc.
Head OfficeKayabacho 1-chome Heiwa Building 9F, 1-8-1 Nihonbashi-Kayabacho, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 103-0025, Japan
EstablishmentJune 2015
CapitalJPY 321,600,000
Line of BusinessOperation of “Minsetsu”, a platform connecting corporate IR departments with institutional investors and securities companies

Company History

June. Wolf Capital Co., Ltd. Founded
August. Started consulting business
April. Opened website Minsetsu
April. Launched financial results briefing information posting service
June. Changed company name to Minsetsu, Inc.
June. Started briefing information distribution service
March. Started business alliance with LogMe Co., Ltd.
Made transcripts of financial results briefings available on the site
March. Started interview scheduling service
January. Started business alliance with SBI Securities Co., Ltd. for its Interview schedule adjustment business
March. Started interview calendar service
July. Started business alliance with FactSet Research Systems Inc.
Started Investor Database Service using database created by FactSet Research Systems Inc.
October. Started Recruitment Agent Service for IR Specialists
December. Started Online Financial Results Briefing Support Service
November. Concluded business consignment contract with Mizuho Securities Co., Ltd. for its Interview schedule adjustment business
March. Started a service to connect unlisted companies with investors.
June. Started service that performs attendance application to briefing on behalf of customers of Mizuho Securities Co., Ltd.
July. Started capital and business alliance with Japan Exchange Group, Inc. and JPX Market Innovation & Research, Inc.
March. Earns ISO/IEC 27001 Certification