Schedule your success
with everyone

A platform for financial professionals to access company information and arrange meetings.

Schedule your success
with everyone

A platform for financial professionals to access company information and arrange meetings.


Who We Are

We connect companies, investors, and securities companies so everyone can be up-to-date with the latest corporate information. Minsetsu solves communications issues while optimizing the workflow in scheduling and meeting, retrieving financial data, and reaching out to new investors. 


Immediately connect and communicate with the financial community to hold events and meetings.
Based on analysis of investment behavior, efficient IR activities can be realized.


View upcoming financial statements and apply for online briefings/individual meetings.
You can integrate and manage your IR-related schedule and your personal schedule on Minsetsu.


Manage all your institutional investors information on one platform.
You can screen from approximately 3,000 companies by market capitalization, trading value, and industry sector, and confirm and apply for information session schedules.

Track Record

Many companies, institutional investors, and securities companies use our service.

Number of Users in Corporate
Investor Relations Dept.



Number of Users as
Institutional Investors


Number of users in Securities Companies


As of November 2022


Company Details

Company nameMinsetsu, Inc.
Head OfficeKayabacho 1-chome Heiwa Building 9F, 1-8-1 Nihonbashi-Kayabacho, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 103-0025, Japan
EstablishmentJune 2015
CapitalJPY 100,000,000
Line of BusinessOperation of “Minsetsu”, a platform connecting corporate IR departments with institutional investors and securities companies